Antes de seguir lendo esta postagem, saibam que isso
não é uma crítica e sim uma constatação.
Leiam com atenção e procurem entender o que esta
mensagem está procurando lhes falar.
Que Deus esteja no controle de tudo e os permita
discernir de forma satisfatória a mensagem aqui postada.
Lamentável o que
aconteceu na cidade de Santarém na noite da última quarta-feira, aonde um casal
que diz pertencer a uma seita, simplesmente abandonaram duas crianças dentro de
um buraco para irem orar.
Vizinhos relataram que encontraram as crianças abandonadas ao relento,
dentro de um buraco, sem roupa, no meio do matagal e para completar ainda
chovia no momento.
Horas depois, os pais das duas crianças apareceram nus, procurando pelos filhos.
Segundo informações policiais, o casal aparenta sofrer de problemas
Agora vamos analisar em miúdos :
Infelizmente, o nome de Jesus tem sido utilizado e
pregado de forma completamente e totalmente errada por líderes de seitas e até mesmo por alguns líderes de igrejas.
Hoje algumas igrejas não
visam ganhar vidas para o Reino de Deus, e sim fazer seguidores de suas
doutrinas,dogmas e leis.
Não visam fazer discípulos e sim fazer Fanáticos.

o SEPARATISMO, e os cultos fazendo uso de objetos perigosos e animais
Pensem nisso.
por: Dérick Anderson
por: Dérick Anderson
Before continuing
reading this post, know that this is not a criticism but an observation. Read
carefully and try to understand what this message is trying to tell you. God is
in control of everything and let the discerning satisfactorily messages posted.
Unfortunate what
happened in the city of Santarem on the night of Wednesday, where a couple who
claims to belong to a sect, simply abandoned two children in a hole to go to
the "cult" to pray. Neighbors found the children abandoned in the
open, into a hole, naked, in the middle of the jungle and to complete it was
still raining at the moment. A few hours later, the couple appeared completely
naked, asking and looking for the children.
According to police, the couple
appears to suffer from mental problems.
Now let's look on kids:
the name of Jesus has been used and preached so completely and utterly wrong.
Today some churches are not intended to winning souls for the Kingdom of God,
but to followers of his doctrines, dogmas and laws. Do not seek to make
disciples but to fanatics. Fanaticism as opposed and criticized by Jesus in his
preaching, Christ is being preached linking to this practice so deplorable and
so irrational.
It's up to us all over to look more events like this and dismiss
these attitudes imbeciles that when practiced by leaders should be benchmark of
God's character, simply preach to his followers the principle of imbecility.
preaching fanaticism, radicalism, extremism, separatism, and the services
making use of dangerous objects and poisonous animals.
Think about it.
Sehr gute Nachricht, dass ihr Fanatismus. Zumindest haben Sie den Mut, diese Praxis als absurd zu kritisieren.
ResponderExcluirIch bin Bewunderer von Ihrem Blog und in meinem opnion die Worte waren sehr gut und sehr erhebend, hoffe ich, wird sich fortsetzen.
Sprechen Sie mehr als Sie in einem anderen Beitrag, sprechen Sie Ihren Namen in deinem Alter von einem Foto von dir für alles, was wir wissen, das Gesicht der Besitzer eines solchen klugen Worten begleitet.
Umarmungen ein Bewunderer seiner
Wofram Eva, 25 Jahre,
Frankfurt, Deutschland
Congratulations. Your post was absolutely spectacular, unfortunately my country is still full of these sects who preach fanaticism as a model.
ResponderExcluirThat's what I said in other comments you have cheered and pleased the heart of God and not be afraid or ashamed to speak clearly, this is called courage.
May God keep well.
Reverend Paul Simon
Nevada, USA
I joined this blog by chance and were pleasantly surprised. Very good messages that are available here. I was not Christian until last week, his message about the hardness of heart touched me deeply and I am attending a Baptist church. Thanks for being a channel of the Heavenly Father for his country and other countries. Keep it up!
ResponderExcluirStanley Bradley
Anchorage, Alaska
Obrigado Eva pelas palavras. Que Deus a abençoe grandemente.
ResponderExcluirSua opnião foi acatada e nos proximos posts estarei falando mais sobre mim e postarei uma foto minha. E também uma foto de alguns membros desta equipe.
Abraços , que Deus a abençoe.
E eu decreto que Frankfurt Ja é do Senhor Jesus Cristo!!!