Você tem sede de Deus?
Ana Paula Braga
“A minh"alma tem sede de Deus, do Deus vivo” Salmo 42:2
Embora nem sempre seja perceptível, todo homem tem sede de Deus. O espírita, o macumbeiro, o índio, de alguma forma (por mais que não seja correta), tenta suprir esta sede. Já nascemos com a consciência de um Deus e a necessidade de buscá-lo.
Tipos de sede:
Sede da alma vazia - A pessoa não convertida tem a alma vazia e começa uma corrida desvairada atrás de algo que possa preencher esse vazio:dinheiro, sexo, poder, entretenimento...
Essa frase de Agostinho mostra bem isso: “ Tu nos fizeste para ti mesmo e nossos corações vivem inquietos enquanto não acharem repouso em Ti.”
Todo homem tem um vácuo que é o tamanho de Deus, isso quer dizer que só Deus pode preenchê-lo.
Sede da alma árida -A diferença entre a alma vazia e a alma árida é que a 1ª nunca experimentou “rios de águas vivas”(Jo 7:38), enquanto que a 2ª já os conhece e sabe muito bem do que está sentindo falta.
Se torna árida por diversas maneiras: pecado, falta de desenvolver comunhão com Deus, fadiga ou cansaço físico ou espiritual. Esses, dentre outros problemas podem levar uma pessoa a estar com sua alma árida.
No salmo 28:1, vemos claramente Davi nesta condição, A falta das “águas de Deus” era tanta que o salmista sente que o Senhor se calou ao seu respeito e pede a Deus que não se cale, senão ele seria “semelhante aos que descem à cova”. Vemos aqui a verdadeira expressão de uma alma que já experimentou o rio de Deus, alguém que saciou sua sede.
Quando alguém experimenta o “rio de Deus” encontra o verdadeiro sentido da vida, encontra o que é “vida” verdadeira e quando fica sem esse rio, sem ouvir a voz de Deus, ela entende que a vida sem a comunhão íntima com Ele não tem sentido e se compara com a morte.
No salmo 63:1 vemos a alma árida pedindo as águas de Deus: “Ó Deus, Tu és o meu Deus; de madrugada te buscarei: a minha alma tem sede de Ti; a minha carne te deseja muito em uma terra seca e cansada, onde não há água;”
O Espírito não saiu de você alma árida! Ele está aí dentro de você pedindo que você busque a Deus.
Sede da alma saciada - A alma saciada que está cheia do “rio de Deus”, nunca se sente satisfeita, ela sempre quer mais e mais. “provai e vede que o Senhor é bom” Sl. 34:8
“A Dádiva da sedeespiritual”
- Deus inicia a sede espiritual: Duas pessoas vivem no seu corpo, você e o Espírito Santo. Você pensa o que vai fazer em relação a várias coisas em sua vida e o Espírito Santo coloca pensamentos de Deus em você. Ele te leva a ter sede de Deus (Rm 8:15).
- Deus coloca sede espiritual a fim de poder saciá-la. Deus não coloca sede em nós para que morramos de seqde, Ele coloca para que sejamos saciados pelos Seus rios. Aleluia!!!
Passos para permanecer a sede de Deus
Escreva partes que o texto falou com você, faça perguntas a ele e tente respondê-las, veja o que o texto traz à sua vida. Assim você verá que a Palavra de Deus começará a entrar dentro de você não somente como informação, mas te preenchendo, trazendo respostas à sua vida. Você começará a ter desejo de lê-la mais e mais. Fazendo assim você sentirá Deus mais próximo de você a cada dia.
Quando você começa a conhecer a vida de alguém, essa pessoa passa a ser íntima, próxima, você passa a saber o ue ela pensa. Assim é com Deus, através da meditação da Sua palavra Ele se torna íntimo a nós.
2º Ore através das escrituras: “Que as palavras de Deus se tornem as suas palavras a Ele” Leia o livro de salmos, ele te levará a Deus e acenderá a paixão por Deus .
“O propósito de Deus é saciá-lo consigo mesmo!!!
Beba, beba, beba, beba...se embriague nos rios de Deus.
Obs.: Essa bebida você pode beber sem moderação!”
Beba, beba, beba, beba...se embriague nos rios de Deus.
Obs.: Essa bebida você pode beber sem moderação!”
Que o Senhor possa te saciar a cada dia.
Do you thirst for God?
Ana Paula Braga
"The Prey" soul thirsts for God, the living God "Psalm 42:2
Although not always noticeable, every man has a thirst for God. The spirit, the macumbeiro, the Indian, in some way (however that is not correct), tries to fill this seat. We are born with an awareness of God and need to pick it up.
Type of seat:
Empty seat of the soul - The unconverted person has the soul empty and begins a mad race after something that can fill that void: money, sex, power, entertainment ...
This sentence of Augustine shows this well: "Thou hast made us for thyself and our hearts are restless until they find living in you home"
Everyone has a vacuum that is the size of God, this means that only God can fill it.
Seat of the soul arid-The difference between the soul and the soul arid empty is that the 1st ever experienced "rivers of living water" (Jn 7:38), while the 2nd already knows and knows very well what is missing.
Becomes arid in various ways: sin, failure to develop communion with God, tiredness or physical or spiritual. These, among other problems can cause a person to be with your soul dry.
In Psalm 28:1, David, we see clearly in this condition, the lack of "waters of God" was such that the psalmist feels that the Lord was silent about it and ask God to not be silent, otherwise it would be "similar to that descend into the pit. " Here we see the true expression of a soul who has experienced the river of God, someone who slaked their thirst.
When someone experiences the "River God" is the true meaning of life, is what "life" is not true and when that river, without hearing the voice of God, she believes that life without the intimate communion with him does not has meaning and compares with the death.
In Psalm 63:1 we see the soul arid asking the waters of God: "O God, Thou art my God, early in the morning you seek: My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and weary land , where no water is; "
The Spirit did not leave you parched soul! He is inside of you asking you to seek God.
Seat of the soul satiated - satiated The soul that is full of "River God", never feels satisfied, she always wants more and more. "Try and see that the Lord is good" Ps. 34:8
"The Gift of sedeespiritual"
God initiates the spiritual thirst: Two people live in your body, you and the Holy Spirit. Do you think it will do about various things in your life and the Holy Spirit puts thoughts of God in you. It takes you to thirst for God (Romans 8:15).
God puts spiritual thirst in order to quench it. God does not put us thirst to die for seqde, he places that we may be filled by His rivers. Hallelujah!
Steps to stay home to God
1 Meditating on God's Word: Read only does not help, have to be meditation. When a person only reads the Word, it just accumulates knowledge, but when you read a meditation text, allows the text to speak with her and show what God wants her to read it.
Write the text parts that spoke to you, ask questions to him and try to answer them, see what the text brings to your life. So you will see that the Word of God will begin to get inside of you not only as information, but you filling, bringing answers to your life. You begin to have a desire to read it over and over. By doing so you will feel God close to you every day.
When you get to know someone's life, that person becomes intimate, close, you get to know u she thinks. So it is with God through meditation on His word He becomes intimate to us.
2 Pray through the scriptures: "Let the words of God become your words to him," Read the book of Psalms, it will take you to God and kindle a passion for God.
"God's purpose is to quench it yourself!Drink, drink, drink, drink ... get drunk in the rivers of God.Note: This drink you can drink without moderation! "
May the Lord will satiate every day.

Do you thirst for God?
Ana Paula Braga
"The Prey" soul thirsts for God, the living God "Psalm 42:2
Although not always noticeable, every man has a thirst for God. The spirit, the macumbeiro, the Indian, in some way (however that is not correct), tries to fill this seat. We are born with an awareness of God and need to pick it up.
Type of seat:
Empty seat of the soul - The unconverted person has the soul empty and begins a mad race after something that can fill that void: money, sex, power, entertainment ...
This sentence of Augustine shows this well: "Thou hast made us for thyself and our hearts are restless until they find living in you home"
Everyone has a vacuum that is the size of God, this means that only God can fill it.
Seat of the soul arid-The difference between the soul and the soul arid empty is that the 1st ever experienced "rivers of living water" (Jn 7:38), while the 2nd already knows and knows very well what is missing.
Becomes arid in various ways: sin, failure to develop communion with God, tiredness or physical or spiritual. These, among other problems can cause a person to be with your soul dry.
In Psalm 28:1, David, we see clearly in this condition, the lack of "waters of God" was such that the psalmist feels that the Lord was silent about it and ask God to not be silent, otherwise it would be "similar to that descend into the pit. " Here we see the true expression of a soul who has experienced the river of God, someone who slaked their thirst.
When someone experiences the "River God" is the true meaning of life, is what "life" is not true and when that river, without hearing the voice of God, she believes that life without the intimate communion with him does not has meaning and compares with the death.
In Psalm 63:1 we see the soul arid asking the waters of God: "O God, Thou art my God, early in the morning you seek: My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and weary land , where no water is; "
The Spirit did not leave you parched soul! He is inside of you asking you to seek God.
Seat of the soul satiated - satiated The soul that is full of "River God", never feels satisfied, she always wants more and more. "Try and see that the Lord is good" Ps. 34:8
"The Gift of sedeespiritual"
God initiates the spiritual thirst: Two people live in your body, you and the Holy Spirit. Do you think it will do about various things in your life and the Holy Spirit puts thoughts of God in you. It takes you to thirst for God (Romans 8:15).
God puts spiritual thirst in order to quench it. God does not put us thirst to die for seqde, he places that we may be filled by His rivers. Hallelujah!
Steps to stay home to God
1 Meditating on God's Word: Read only does not help, have to be meditation. When a person only reads the Word, it just accumulates knowledge, but when you read a meditation text, allows the text to speak with her and show what God wants her to read it.
Write the text parts that spoke to you, ask questions to him and try to answer them, see what the text brings to your life. So you will see that the Word of God will begin to get inside of you not only as information, but you filling, bringing answers to your life. You begin to have a desire to read it over and over. By doing so you will feel God close to you every day.
When you get to know someone's life, that person becomes intimate, close, you get to know u she thinks. So it is with God through meditation on His word He becomes intimate to us.
2 Pray through the scriptures: "Let the words of God become your words to him," Read the book of Psalms, it will take you to God and kindle a passion for God.
"God's purpose is to quench it yourself!Drink, drink, drink, drink ... get drunk in the rivers of God.Note: This drink you can drink without moderation! "
May the Lord will satiate every day.
Hello friend.
ResponderExcluirHere I am back. I spent a few days away to minister the baptism of some fruits of the church.
I accessed believing they would find the least interesting blog and I had the pleasant surprise to see several studies very edifying.
I hope it continues like a man of God.
Paul Simon
Henderson, Nevada, USA
Amigo Paul é bom ter voce de volta ao blog e agradeço desde já os comentários e os estudos que me enviastes há duas semanas atrás.
ExcluirUsarei a todos os esutdos.
Mais uma vez obrigado pela confiança e que toda honra e toda glória seja dada a Deus , o Eterno.
Grande abraço.
Очень здорово данного исследования. Несколько друзей прокомментировали мне, о, я нашел этот блог. Совет: место в следующем сообщения, что на самом деле глобального дизайна Возрождения.
ResponderExcluirВеликий объятия и Бог благословит
Михаил Попов
Москва, Россия
Certo Mikahil ou Mikael ... não sei o certo! :)
ExcluirAgradeço as vitias e os comentários e suas dicas estão todas corretas.
Nos proximos dias estaremos fechando patrocinio com alguns empresários e microempresários de publicidade no blog.
Em breve postarei um texto sobre o que realmente é o Projeto Avivamento Global !
Um grande abraço e obrigado pelas visitas e por convidar seus amigos.