Um forte abraço a todos e muito obrigado pela visita.
Dérick Anderson
Até quando vamos nos importar tanto com problemas
banais que poderiam ser resolvidos com o mais simples diálogo¿
Até quando?
Aonde está o erro gente ?
Aonde está a cegueira espiritual
que nos impede de sermos avivalistas como Cristo Jesus?
Nesta postagem, eu te desafio e desafio a mim
Eu desafio você a refletir o que você e eu temos feito de nossas vidas,
será se o que nós estamos sendo ou fingindo que somos está realmente agradando
a Deus?
Eu te convido a ter um momento de reflexão e ler
com o teu coração a letra desta canção que fui presenteado por Deus em um
momento de intimidade.
Leia a mensagem da letra da música e quer compartilhar o que está sentido, clique em
| NOME / URL |
Digite o seu nome e depois clique em
e compartilhe o que Deus tocou ao seu coração.
Boa leitura:
Todas as Vezes:
Todas as vezes , que eu olho para mim
Eu não me reconheço, pois falho eu sou
Todas as vezes, que eu olho para cruz
O meu coração se desfaz e se enche de luz
Se enche de luz , Se enche de Luz !
Jesus tu és, a verdadeira paz a verdadeira luz
Jesus tu és, o que me faz cantar
O que me faz sonhar , o que me faz vencer
Sua morte, me trouxe a vida
Hoje eu sou salvo, pelo seu amor
Sua morte, me trouxe a vida
Hoje eu sou Salvo , pelo seu amor
Jesus tu és, a verdadeira paz a verdadeira luz
Jesus tu és, o que me faz cantar
O que me faz sonhar , o que me faz vencer
Version English:
Save Save! Derick Anderson and I am the founder of the Global Revival Project. The message today is my own and I hope you enjoy.A big hug to all and thank you for visiting.
Derick Anderson
The church today has been bombarded on all sides by opposing arrows, launched to try to curb the increase in the number of evangelicals in terms of Brazil and the world and this blog could not stop talking about this issue.
The message now is an exhortation for us to know constructive to disengage and escape like the Anderson "Spider" Silva of these malignant arrows launched against the body of Christ, the church.We know that the mission that Jesus Christ left on earth is for all who are knowledgeable of the gospel and living witnesses that he is the way the truth and the life is GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.
Now therefore, there can be seen that Jesus Christ is without a doubt the greatest revivalist of world history and that all he wants is that we let our lives mean to be complaining about life, talking bad about the lives of others, saying that it is better than the other, humiliating and treating people with disdain, being bad character inside and outside the church, measuring the level of relationship with people by social class, size of the bank account of skin color.
Even when we are going to care so much about trivial issues that could be solved with the simplest dialogue?
Even when ?
Where is the error ?
Where is the spiritual blindness that prevents us from being like Christ Jesus revivalists ?
In this post, I challenge you and challenge myself. I challenge you to reflect what you and I have done in our lives, it is what we are being or pretending that we are really pleasing to God ?It is time to put ourselves in the position that we are nothing without the love of God ?
I invite you to take a moment of reflection and read with your heart the lyrics of this song that I was gifted by God in a moment of intimacy.Today the Lord wants to have a confrontation with you, like me had. He wants to show you how we are flawed and yet he allowed Jesus to die on the cross for us.Read the message of the lyrics and want to share what is effect, click
| NAME / URL |Enter your name and then click
| RESUME | and share what God has touched your heart.Good reading:
Each time , I look at myselfI do not recognize myself,
Because I'm flawed
Each time I look at the cross , My heart breaks and fills with light
Is filled with light, if filled with Light!Jesus thou art the true peace , the true light
Jesus you are, what makes me sing
What makes me dream, what makes me winHis death brought me to life
Today I am saved, by your love
His death brought me to life
Today I'm Saved, for your loveJesus thou art the true peace, the true light
Jesus you are, what makes me sing
What makes me dream, what makes me win
Where is the spiritual blindness that prevents us from being like Christ Jesus revivalists ?
In this post, I challenge you and challenge myself. I challenge you to reflect what you and I have done in our lives, it is what we are being or pretending that we are really pleasing to God ?It is time to put ourselves in the position that we are nothing without the love of God ?
I invite you to take a moment of reflection and read with your heart the lyrics of this song that I was gifted by God in a moment of intimacy.Today the Lord wants to have a confrontation with you, like me had. He wants to show you how we are flawed and yet he allowed Jesus to die on the cross for us.Read the message of the lyrics and want to share what is effect, click
| NAME / URL |Enter your name and then click
| RESUME | and share what God has touched your heart.Good reading:
Each time , I look at myselfI do not recognize myself,
Because I'm flawed
Each time I look at the cross , My heart breaks and fills with light
Is filled with light, if filled with Light!Jesus thou art the true peace , the true light
Jesus you are, what makes me sing
What makes me dream, what makes me winHis death brought me to life
Today I am saved, by your love
His death brought me to life
Today I'm Saved, for your loveJesus thou art the true peace, the true light
Jesus you are, what makes me sing
What makes me dream, what makes me win
demais irmão. sensacional
ResponderExcluirDeus falou-me atraves dessa postagem que eu devo mesmo é deixar de me importar com a vida alheia e me focar mais no reino de Deus e na sua justiça e todas as demais coisas me serão acrescentadas.
Deus o abençoe.
Muito show o post! Gostei bastante! Realmente, precisamos nos desfazer do nosso orgulho e olhar para dentro de nós e, principalmente, deixar Deus mostrar e tratar aquilo que ainda não agrada o coração Dele! Que possamos nos limpar todos os dias para, assim, podermos levar outras pessoas a se limpar! Amém!
ResponderExcluirboa noite . sou brasileiro mas vivo na cidade de Santa Cruz de la Sierra na Bolívia.
ResponderExcluirO que pude entender é que todas as vezes quando nos olhamos no espelho sempre vemos defeitos e ainda assim achamos motivos para achar defeito no nosso vizinho.
E a parte do Jesus tu és o que me faz cantar , sonhar e vencer é justamente o que devemos fazer. Não nos focarmos em homens porque eles são falhos como todo ser humano(herança de adão e eva ). Temos que nos focar somente em Jesus porque só ele é o caminho a verdade e a vida !
Obrigado pela idéia e pelo conteúdo oferecido para o publico cristão e não cristão.
Deus o abençoe !